The real lowdown on my Board & Officers

That’d be my momma. The picture next to her bio is over 30 years old. She doesn’t like pictures and didn’t agree to the one I put in there for her. She’s tough, smart, and a pain in the ass. I rarely doubt myself because this is the woman who raised me. Had she not chosen the field of veterinary medicine, she would’ve made a great diplomat. I’m quite jealous of her ability to think in an unbiased fashion and not let the crap in the world get her down. She started CrossFit at 62-years-old; I told ya she was a BA. She has supported absolutely every endeavor I’ve pursued. I know how lucky I am for these genes.

My homie. Jamil was Mr. GQ at OCU Law without even trying to be. He’s just a naturally classy dude. From the first class we had together, I remember two things that drew me to him: he always had a genuine smile on his face, and his socks matched his outfit…every day. We became tight after choosing each other as partners for Immigration Law Clinic, where we had to work closely together in what was basically a full-time job. And, it worked marvelously. J was my jelly. His consistently positive attitude can’t help but get you pumped. He’s a lifer with me, whether he likes it or not.

McCright has been such a workhorse in getting the veteran groups started for Root to Rise. His care for the guys in his unit, and for service members in general, is obvious and awesome. He’s humble, full of new ideas, and driven. I wouldn’t have been able to expand this organization as quickly and easily without my Army Captain. He’s also getting pretty damn good at yoga.

Oh, sista! Karli and I barely knew each other when we traveled to a remote village in Ghana together and spent six weeks straight sharing a room, getting Africa sicknesses, and dealing with the Ghanaian government. This lovely lady started an international nonprofit while she was in law school, provided free access to clean water for a large village, and continues to work tirelessly to expand the reach and assistance of her org. She is a rock, a confidant, and an unwavering advocate. Her friendship has changed my life.

Jeanie is one of my mother’s closest friends and the wearer of a perpetual smile. She’s been like family since before I was part of the family. As you can tell from her bio, she’s the creative type. She has made more wise decisions in her life than most folks are capable of, and I’m ever-so-fortunate to have such a rational and experienced mind as a part of this organization. Jeanie excels at everything she sets her mind to, and I’m gonna try not to bother her too much during her well-deserved retirement.